Ten Commandments of Self Love

Written by Goddess Erica

As women, we are taught to care for others’ needs over our own, while men are taught to believe they have ownership over us and our bodies. When we’re left feeling unfulfilled or unheard, it’s often because we’ve given control of our happiness to outside sources. 

Imagine, if we were committed to loving and elevating ourselves the way we love others? We can. Self love is a practice, not an end goal. And, as with any practice, it’s good to have a guide.  

Each of the Ten Commandments of Self Love is a mantra and a prompt for meditation. Sit with the one that resonates with you most or try practicing each, one at a time. 


Ten Commandments of Self Love

  1. Perfection is not required. 

    • You are divine regardless of what you think is missing in your life. Your career, relationship status, gender identity, income, mental state, weight, disability… None of it makes you less worthy of donning the title of Goddess. Perfection is not required to embody the Goddess within you. 

  2. Worship yourself first. The rest will follow.

    • You are the greatest thing that ever happened to you. How can anyone else be expected to recognize your power if you don’t recognize and revere it for yourself? 

  3. Embrace yourself as you are RIGHT NOW. 

    • The most perfect version of yourself is the one that exists in this moment. Why not celebrate her now? You can cheer for Future You in the future. Is there something you want to change about yourself right now? See Commandment four.

  4. Love the worst parts of yourself as you do the best parts. 

    • Remember how perfection is not required to be divine? Hating your imperfections isn’t required when deciding to change, either. 

  5. Self-care is self love. 

    • Rest. Hydrate. Exercise. Meditate. Block the haters. 

  6. Advocate for yourself with hard conversations.

    • Make a habit of communicating your needs objectively and you can have whatever you want. You just may not receive it from the first person you ask. 

  7. It’s ok to change your mind. 

    • Take the angst out of making decisions. There are no wrong answers when every answer is valid.  

  8. Apologize for your mistakes, but never for who you are. 

    • Do the necessary introspection to know the difference. 

  9. Your sex drive and interests are NORMAL. Period. 

    • There is no “standard” for frequency, duration, desire or style as long as long as it’s consensual and you enjoy it. 

  10. Tend your own flame and leave others to tend theirs. 

    • What you do and love are yours to decide and enjoy. You don’t owe anyone anything. And no one owes you. Realizing and embracing this is empowering and healing.

Would you like to go deeper?

For guided support as you explore self love and Tantra through the lens of feminine dominance, contact me.


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