Who is this woman and why does she call herself a Goddess?
And what makes her an expert on sex?
The answer is, I’m not a sex expert. My specialty is actually communication. And my primary product offering, regardless of how you find yourself working with me, is you. I’m in the business of inspiring and empowering others to understand, appreciate and fight for themselves better. But make it sexy. 💅🏾
How did we get here?
I grew up a sheltered, Baptist-raised nerdy kid in Chicago, who loved to read and sing. At 22, I began building my career with the only credentials I had at the time: a bunch of college credits with no degree, a gift for understanding human behavior and an uncommon mastery of words. Using these skills (and hunger), I transformed my first real job as an office assistant, fetching coffee and booking meetings for ad executives, into a career sitting at the table in those same meetings. This time, as a Creative Director pitching award-winning ad campaigns to those very same executives.
Full disclosure, if you’ve come to my bio looking for proof that I have my shit together, you won’t find it here (*you can, however, find it here). My CV is something I’m incredibly proud of, but I’ll be honest with you: That’s not the version of me I want you to know. Sure, Corporate Erica has a glossy creative portfolio, and almost 20 years of enviable experience at the most prolific ad agency in the Midwest. But Goddess Erica is a DONA trained, joyfully unapologetic, sexually empowered, neuro-divergent Orgasmic Life Coach. She’s also way more fun at parties.
The journey I take my coaching clients on – the one towards understanding and loving ourselves in our purest form – is the same journey I am venturing on as well. You could say I’m my own best (and most demanding) client.
But why do I have to be so loud about sex??
The lynchpin of my sexual empowerment journey ocucured during my childbirth experience while laboring to deliver my son. My hospital experience, like many other women’s, was full of unwanted interventions and fear-based coercion. Despite this, I also felt supported and guided by my Doula and personal birth team as I connected with the deep reserves of power I found within myself that day. It was truly in that hospital bed while holding my beautiful newborn son and experiencing the most confounding mix of emotions – joy, betrayal, gratitude, exhaustion and love – that my career aspirations began to shift from corporate to community. Because I’d seen with my own eyes (and body) that my passion was desperately needed outside of advertising. My birth experience, while beautiful, was also a traumatic, eye-opening first-hand case study of how dangerous it can be to exist as a woman with sexual needs. Even – especially – in the “safe” spaces where patriarchal ideas of female sexuality are celebrated. And before I continue, let’s not forget how this danger is exponentially compounded for those of us who are BIPOC, queer and/or trans.
Shortly after giving birth to my son, I began working through the labor pains of my own rebirth; Emerging with a new, and more truthfully aligned identity as Goddess Erica.
My plan is to candidly share my writings about surrender, dominance and transcendent pleasure here with you in their rawest form. Sometimes my stories will inspire, and other times they will leave you wanting more. Rest assured, the lessons imparted will be worth the occasional feeling of being edged.
As part of my ongoing, never-ending self-love journey, I’m leaning into the vulnerability of allowing the beauty of my personal chaos to be seen in my work for the first time.
Words are powerful, and the right ones at the right time can behave like magic; unlocking minds, shifting focus and revealing unseen paths.
I was raised in a home/community/church that went to great lengths to shape my ideas about pleasure, power and sex. And these ideas laid the the groundwork for the unaligned ways in which I allowed my own pleasure, power and sexuality to be defined for me in my earliest sexual experiences. You too? As women, we can go our entire lives seeing (and de facto accepting) ideas about pleasure and desire that only serve others. Which means we can go entire lifetimes never seeing ourselves as authorities in the matter of our own satisfaction.
If you’ve made it this far into my bio, I can almost guarantee you’re somewhere in the process reevaluating your relationship with your own power. If you’re reading this, you are likely in search of connecting with someone who understands your story.
For those of us raised as women or currently existing as women, it’s likely our stories are not that different on the surface.
I developed a personal mindset and communication practice to help reclaim my power, and I share these practices through storytelling here. Curious about what that looks like?
I suggest you stick around. That is, if you dare to join me on this journey.